Monday, April 27, 2015

Water Color Emotions


This was a really fun project. I enjoyed really getting to play with my watercolors in a new way. The top right square has about four different colors with it. I just kept adding water and it actually turned out really cool. It kind of just melted the colors and just looks rainbowy and fun. The emotion I was going for was just all the emotions of life. Just messy and clear at the same time. The middle emotion is flirtatious or twitter pated. It has a magenta color I mixed together as well as purple which just makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. The top right color is a bright yellow color like the sun because yellow just makes you feel happy. I added a some salt in that one to give it a little texture. The bottom left square I mixed blue and green to get the color and just used slashes of my brush to create the bottom layer than added a little salt for just a tiny bit extra. It's the wonder emotion. always wondering what else is out there. It has a hint of adventure with it. The bottom middle square I used black and red and added alcohol to make the top texture. This specific square represents hate. Just because hate eats away at you from the inside out and I thought that was a perfect color for that specific emotion. The bottom right square is is sadness. The different shades of blue makes it look like water that's still and not going anywhere. That is why it is the sad one. I think it turned out really good. It was a really fun project and I don't think I would do anything differently. It was important to me because I just really like how it turned out the top and bottom right are my favorite squares. 

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