Monday, April 27, 2015


Cattail Breeze

I think I struggled with this specific assignment. I searched and searched for permanent tempera paint then finally found some. Drawing my design on the fabric was easy. But outlining the drawing in glue was so hard. It was really runny and it took forever to dry. It tended to clump together a lot. That made it difficult because then I had to go over the lines again with glue. I didn't like this one at all. I might have been doing it wrong but I did it exactly as the video instructed. Once I washed it out it started taking my color which was weird because I made sure I had permanent paint. But you can at least see my lines on the cattails. I this was my newer one. But I would like to do it again but I would definitely research it to make sure I was doing it right. But overall this was probably my least favorite assignment. The top picture is when the glue and paint dried. The bottom picture is when I used water to wash out the glue. 

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