Monday, April 27, 2015

Alien Name's

Alien Jordan

I made like five different Alien name backgrounds. But this one was my favorite. In the other ones I forgot to keep in mind the assignment of foreground, middle-ground, and background. This was a hard assignment but only because it was hard to keep everything proportional with such a big alien. I wanted striped fluffy trees, so i drew my trees and hot-glued fluff balls to the top of the trees. I found some sparkles that I thought would be so cute as sparkle hills. I really got to explore with different textures for my alien. I added googly eyes and sparkles to make him look cute and add a little extra to his body. I think it turned out really well. I think I still needed to work on my foreground, middle-ground, and background but I think it looks really cute. I like that you get to have your name as the alien it makes it unique to just you. This was a really fun assignment.

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