Monday, April 27, 2015


A Day At the Beach 

This was a really difficult one for me. I had a hard time getting the concept of reflection with my different cut outs. My husband had to help me get the process down a little better. I researched different Notan's and realized my favorite ones all had a mutual theme. So that's when I decided to try a beach theme because I love the beach. I did a few drafts just because it was kind of hard to cut out the details of the waves and sea weed just right. The hardest part was cutting out the little bubbles. Once all the pieces were cut, I took the pieces and set them next to each other. It was really hard to keep them lined up while I was gluing them down. But I think it turned out really good! the only thing I don't like are my bubbles. If I could do it again I would try doing bigger bubbles and go really slow with cut out. I learned a lot from this assignment. It really required my brain to think about where the different pieces went but I enjoyed the challenge. This one is really important to me because of how much I love the beach. I got proposed to at a lighthouse and whenever we get a chance to leave Utah we go to the beach.

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