Monday, April 27, 2015

Lesson Plan #1

Jordan Hoffman

First Grade Lesson Plan- FISHES

Project Description:      
Students will explore and observe the outside of a dead fish with their hands. They will observe what makes a fish a fish exploring gills, skin, and eyes. Students will also explore using different colors, gems, glitter, and different textures for their fish. Split the children up into groups and let them work together to see what textures they can make using different materials on their fish.

Materials Needed:


  • ·  Students will learn about correct anatomy of a fish exploring gills, skin, eyes, etc.

  • ·  Students will work collaboratively in groups and explore the fish in front of them.

  • ·  Each group will make their own fish adding different materials to give their fishes unique texture.

Visual Arts Standards Addressed

  • ·  Creating: Engage collaboratively in exploration and imaginative play with materials.
  •    Creating: Use observation and investigation in preparation for making a work of art.
  •    Responding: Classify artwork based on texture of the fish.

Other Standards Addressed

·      Objective 3- Develop and use skills to communicate ideas, information, and feelings.

o   Recognize and express feelings in a variety of ways (e.g., draw, paint, tell stories, dance, sing).

·      Fish- type of underwater breathing animal.
·      Gills- how fish breath underwater.
·      Texture- the visual and especially tactile quality of a surface.
·      Mixed Media- an artwork in which more than one type of art material is used.
·      Negative Space- Shapes or spaces that are or represent the area unoccupied by objects.

  •   Before class I am going to prepare all of the supplies needed on a back table where they will meet after discussion.
  • ·  I will have students meet me on a different table to go over what we are going to do with the dead fish.
  • ·  I will talk to them about sanitizing. By showing how take put gloves on and off and to wash hands after gloves are off.
  • ·  We will then talk about the anatomy of a fish. How can they breathe underwater and how do they swim? What physical aspects can you see?
  • ·  After discussion I will take students to the table where I will split them up in groups and give them a fish on a big plastic bag where they can touch the fish but not pick up. (Too young)
  • ·  After exploration and clean up, we will talk about texture and what that means in an art aspect as well as a fish aspect.
  • ·  I will then give instructions by demonstrating with the fish, that if it is laying on its side it will only have one eye. And that the rest of its body, including the fins, are textured with different things.
  • ·  Students will then go to with that same group to the table where a big piece of paper will be laying for them to make their own fish.
  • ·  Now it’s time to start our fishes. Students will draw the outline of their fish and get started using the different art supplies. Make sure each student uses at least two different supplies (markers/oil)
  • ·  Once fish are drawn they can color them with different art supplies.
  • ·  Once fish are colored they can add their texture with the different materials. glitter, jewels, etc.  
  • ·  Once all the students have finished we will meet on the mats and discuss what we learned and the process we used to make our fish and background.

After everyone is done, have the students walk around and observe their classmates work.

·     After observing their classmates artwork, as a class talk about the things they see.
o   How are they different?
o   How are they similar?
o   What do you like?
o   What did you learn about fish?
o   What did you learn about the art supplies you used?

·    How does your work portray what you saw on the fish?

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