Monday, April 27, 2015

Light Painting

 Rings of Fire

Mickey Fire


The light painting was my absolute favorite. I got the inspiration from one of the girls in our class. She wrote down specific instructions to get me started. I got my whole family together. We went to the store and bought whisks, yarn, and steel wool to start the process. We then put the steel wool inside the whisk. We tied the yarn around the whisk then dipped it in lighter fluid, lit it up, and made cool designs. It took us a while to figure out how to light the steel wool. We finally dipped it in my dad's gas can and just went crazy in the streets. What I learned from this experience is that art is really fun to do with a group where you can just have fun and get crazy. I also learned that it is very important to have a good camera! The pictures turn out so much better that way. It turned out better than expected! I had so much fun I wouldn't change anything about it. The Mickey one was tricky we actually used photo shop to change it up. Which I thought I don't know if that's allowed but then I thought well that would be a good assignment for a gifted student especially one that loves taking pictures just to get familiar and experiment with a different process to create other things. But we made one big circle with the fire then we made a little circle and through photo shop we were able to take the little circle and reflect it onto the other side of the main head. We then changed the color and it just turned out so cool! This one was just so fun and it turned out amazing! This was by far my favorite assignment.

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