Monday, April 27, 2015

Cardboard Construction


When I first started this project, I tried to make an abstract piece. It looked really cool but I needed a solid ground and background. In our tiny apartment it was too hard to find a spot for it and you couldn't move it or it would fall apart. This is on our washer in the bathroom. That is where I came up with a ship idea. I spray painted it and didn't want it to be completely black because I wanted it to look more torn. It was a really simple outline but really fun. It turned out pretty good. I really liked it at the time but I wish I would have decorated the ship more maybe with a skull or things like that. I learned that you could make cool things just with little pieces of cardboard. I had an old box under my bed and just started cutting it and putting pieces together. This would be a cool project to have with a class. You could have them create anything. 

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