Monday, April 27, 2015

George O'Keefe

The Green Pepper

This was my least favorite assignment. I had the hardest time zooming in on an item with my view finder. I went all around my house and just struggled. I thought a vegetable would have been cool that's when I tried the green pepper. It took me so long to do this assignment I didn't want to have to do it again. But now looking at it, I wished I would have. It was my least favorite to do and my least favorite to look at. I tried getting the different colors in the pepper by adding black and water. My favorite part is the middle of the pepper with the seeds. It really is the best part about this water color art. I want to do it again and really take some time on finding the perfect thing to draw. I learned that I really like mixing water colors. It's a really fun and easy way to make colors. I also learned it was really hard for me to draw with a pencil lightly. I would practice drawing really light before I started with a final draft.     

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