Monday, April 27, 2015

Lesson Plan #3

Jordan Hoffman

Second Grade Lesson Plan- ICE CREAM CONE

Project Description:
·        Students will explore how to make different shading’s and tinting’s using one color of paint by mixing black and white. They will be able to identify what shading is and what tinting is and will be able to put them in order through the main color of their choosing.
      Materials Needed:
      Tempera Paint
      Ice cream scoop templates
      Ice cream cone templates
      Water cups
      Paint Brushes
      Ice cream senses paper
      Ice cream
      Paper plates


·      Students, by themselves, will be able to identify the difference between shading and tinting.

·      Students will be able to explore ice cream using five different senses and write about what they learned.

·      Students will create an ice cream cone with five different scoops demonstrating two shadings and two tinting’s.

Visual Arts Standards Addressed

·      Creating: Engage collaboratively in exploration and imaginative play with ice cream

·      Creating: Use observation to determine the different senses that come exploring ice cream

·      Creating: Explore uses of materials adding white and black paint to a solid color.  

·      Responding: Classify artwork based on how you much you chose to darken or lighten your original color.

Other Standards Addressed

·      Objective 3- Develop and use skills to communicate ideas, information, and feelings.

o   Recognize and express feelings in a variety of ways (e.g., draw, paint, tell stories, dance, sing).


·      Ice Cream- A soft frozen food made with sweetened and flavored milk fat.
·      Five Senses- Feels: what it feels like. Looks: what it looks like. Tastes: what it tastes like. Sounds: what it sounds like Smell: what it smells like.
·      Shading- To introduce degrees of darkness into a drawing or painting in order to render light and shadow or give the effect of color.
·      Tinting- Any color with white added
·      Tempera Paint-  Fast-drying painting medium consisting of colored pigment mixed with a water soluble binder medium.


·      Before class I will prepare ice cream scoop and cone handouts with a pair of scissors for each student.
·      We will meet on the matts in front of classroom.
·      We will talk about what it means to shade and tint something.
·      Once I think they have down what shading and tinting is I will describe the assignment.
·      Instructions: Take the ice cream scoop template I have provided and cut out five ice cream scoops. Now take the cone template and cute out the cone. Now I want you to take your paper plate and draw a line to have two halves of the paper plate. I want you to write shade or tint above whichever side you chose. Now I want each of you to pick one color of paint to work with. Any color you want. Once you have chosen your color I want you to squirt two-quarter size amounts on each side of your paper plate. Once you have done this I want you to squirt one-quarter size of white on the side that’s labeled tint and one-quarter-size amount of black paint on the side labeled shade.
·      Now you need to take one of your scoops and paint it with the one color you chose. Set aside let dry.
·      Take one of your colors and mix either black or white and just enough paint to see the color change. Set aside to let dry
·      Do two shadings and two tinting’s. So add even more black or white to the next scoop.
·      Now that everyone is working I will walk around and talk to the children individually and ask them to point out the different shades and tints in their ice cream scoops.
·      Now that we are waiting for our ice cream scoops to dry we will go to the other table and each student will get a small bowl of ice cream.  We will now go over the five senses that come from ice cream and write them down in the correctly labeled scoop on the handout provided. And now then they can eat their ice cream.
·      By this time the ice cream scoops should be dry and we can glue are scoops together starting with the cone then adding your scoops starting with the darkest shading going to the lightest tinting. 
·      If you want to add anything to your ice cream cone you can do so by using permanent markers.

·      After everyone is done, have the students walk around and observe their classmates work.

·      After observing their classmates artwork, as a class talk about the things they see.
o   How are they different?
o   How are they similar?
o   What do you like?
o   What did you learn about how the ice cream felt, tasted, looked, smelled, and sounded?

·      How does your work portray what we learned about shading and tinting?

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