Monday, April 27, 2015

Foil Squares

Mickey = Peace

I tried doing two different foil squares. My first draft didn't work so well. I tried to do a Disney castle but soon realized that there were a lot of little details which kept causing my foil to rip. I still wanted to do something that represented me. I have a huge love for anything Disney. That's when I thought doing a Mickey symbol would be fun. I used a hot glue gun to draw Mickey and the peace symbol. I then covered my cereal box with tin foil after the glue dried. I slowly pressed the foil around glue then colored with a sharpie. The other foil is from a TV show that I'm obsessed with right now. I like doing projects that relate to me in some way. It just makes me that much more excited to do them. I was hoping the Mickey one would turn out better than it did but it became really fragile trying to color on it. My shield one turned out really well and didn't rip at all. I really enjoyed doing the foil squares. If I could do it again I would try and add different textures underneath the tinfoil besides glue. I never even thought of it till another student told me what she used under hers. But other than that they were really fun to do and they both are about me in a way. 

Agents of Shield

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